ご利用規約 / Terms of Service

第1章 総則

第1条 本規約の範囲及び変更

1. 株式会社HERESY(以下、「当社」といいます。)は、各サービスである「SNAKEDLOWS」の利用規約(以下、「本規約」といいます。)を以下の通り定めます。

2. SNAKEDLOWSをご利用されるにあたって、お客様は、下記に記載のすべての利用規約にそれぞれ従うものとします。

3. 会員(<プライバシーポリシー>1.総則で定義します。)は、本規約の付則「会員情報の取扱い」に同意した上で、本サービスを利用するものとします。

4. 当社は、会員の事前の承諾を得ることなく、ウェブサイト上での掲載又はメール等の当社が適当と判断する方法で会員に告知又は通知することにより、適宜、本規約の全部又は一部を変更できるものとします。

5. 本規約の全部又は一部が変更された場合、本サービスの利用に関しては、変更後の規約のみが適用されるものとし、会員は変更後の規約のみに従うものとします。

第2章 会員登録

第2条 会員 

1. 「会員」とは、当社が定める手続きに従って会員登録をお申し込みいただき、これに対して当社が会員登録を承諾し、IDを付与された方をいいます。

2. 「会員情報」とは、会員が当社に開示した会員の属性に関する情報および会員の取引に関する履歴等の情報をいいます。

3. 本規約は、全ての会員に適用され、登録手続時および登録後にお守りいただく規約です。

第3条 登録


1. 会員資格

2. 会員情報の入力

3. パスワードの管理

第4条 変更

1. 会員は、氏名、住所など当社に届け出た事項に変更があった場合には、速やかに当社に連絡するものとします。

2. 変更登録がなされなかったことにより生じた損害について、当社は一切責任を負いません。

第5条 退会


第6条 会員資格の喪失及び賠償義務

1. 会員が、会員資格取得申込の際に虚偽の申告をしたとき、通信販売による代金支払債務を怠ったとき、その他当社が会員として不適当と認める事由があるときは、当社は、会員資格を取り消すことができることとします。

2. 会員が、以下の各号に定める行為をしたときは、これにより当社が被った損害を賠償する責任を負います。

第7条 会員情報の取扱い

(1) お客様が当社や他のお客様などに、不利益を及ぼす行為をしたことが判明したために裁判所、警察その他関係諸機関、および利害関係人などに通知する場合
(2) 官庁、裁判所、検察官、警察、弁護士会、消費者センター、またはそれらに準じる権限を有する機関から照会があった場合
(3) 上記(1) および(2) の他、法令に基づいて、開示を求められた場合

2. 会員情報につきましては、当社の「個人情報の取扱い」に従い、当社が管理します。

3. 当社は、会員に対して、メールマガジンその他の方法による情報提供(広告を含みます)を行うことができるものとします。

第8条 商品の購入






第9条 商品の返品交換等

尚、当社が認めた返品交換に関しては、商品到着後7日以内に「CONTACTページ」にご連絡いただいた場合に限り行うものとし、それ以外の場合に関しては、瑕疵担保責任を負わないものとします。 お客様都合による返品・交換はご利用規約上、一切お受けしておりません。あらかじめご了承ください。 初期不良など、上記事項により交換をご希望の場合は商品到着後7日以内に「CONTACTページ」よりご連絡ください。





・商品の不良、ご注文内容と異なる商品が届いた場合の返品送料はSNAKED LOWSが負担いたします。



第10条 (禁止事項)


1. 法令または本規約、本サービスご利用上のご注意、本サービスでのお買い物上のご注意その他の本規約等に違反すること

2. 当社、およびその他の第三者の権利、利益、名誉等を損ねること

3. 青少年の心身に悪影響を及ぼす恐れがある行為、その他公序良俗に反する行為を行うこと

4. 他の利用者その他の第三者に迷惑となる行為や不快感を抱かせる行為を行うこと

5. 虚偽の情報を入力すること

6. 有害なコンピュータープログラム、メール等を送信または書き込むこと

7. 当社のサーバーその他のコンピューターに不正にアクセスすること

8. パスワードを第三者に貸与・譲渡すること、または第三者と共用すること

9. その他当社が不適切と判断すること

第11条 サービスの中断・停止等

1. 当社は、本サービスの稼動状態を良好に保つために、次の各号の一に該当する場合、予告なしに、本サービスの提供全てあるいは一部を停止することがあります。

第12条 サービスの変更・廃止


第13条 免責

1. 通信回線やコンピューターなどの障害によるシステムの中断・遅滞・中止・データの消失、データへの不正アクセスにより生じた損害、その他当社のサービスに関して会員に生じた損害について、当社は一切責任を負わないものとします。

2. 当社は、当社のウェブページ・サーバー・ドメインなどから送られるメール・コンテンツに、コンピューター・ウィルスなどの有害なものが含まれていないことを保証いたしません。

3. 会員が本規約等に違反したことによって生じた損害については、当社は一切責任を負いません。

第14条 準拠法、管轄裁判所


Chapter 1) General rules

Article 1) Scope and changes of this agreement

1. HERESY Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") establishes the following terms of service (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement") for each service, "SNAKEDLOWS".

2. In using SNAKEDLOWS, the customer shall comply with all terms and conditions described below.

3. Members (defined in <Privacy Policy> 1. General Rules) must use this service after agreeing to the supplementary “Handling of Member Information” of this agreement.

4. The Company shall appropriately and completely notify all members of this agreement by notifying or notifying the member of the website by posting it on a website or by a method such as e-mail that we deem appropriate without obtaining the prior consent of the member. The department can be changed.

5. If all or part of this agreement is changed, regarding the use of this service, only the changed agreement will be applied, and the member will only comply with the changed agreement.

Chapter 2) Member Registration

Article 2) Members 

1. “Member” refers to a person who has applied for membership registration in accordance with the procedures specified by the Company, for which the Company has accepted the membership registration and has been given an ID.

2. “Member information” means information disclosed by the member to the Company regarding the attributes of the member and information regarding the transaction history of the member.

3. This agreement applies to all members and is to be observed during and after the registration procedure.

Article 3) Registration

For membership registration, after agreeing to these Terms of Use, enter and send the necessary registration items according to the prescribed procedure posted on the website, and after our company has undergone the prescribed procedure, when you accept the member registration Complete.

1. Membership
Customers who have signed up for the prescribed membership application after agreeing to this agreement will be qualified as a member after completing the prescribed registration procedures. The member registration procedure should be performed by the person who will be the member.
Registration by proxy is not permitted at all. In addition, we may refuse membership applications from those who have had their membership revoked in the past, or who have determined that the Company is not suitable.

2. Input of member information
During the membership registration procedure, please read the notes carefully and enter the necessary information in the designated input form.
You cannot use special symbols, old Chinese characters, Roman numerals, etc.
when registering member information. If these characters are registered, we will change them.

3. Password management
(1) The password can only be used by the member himself and cannot be transferred or lent to a third party.
(2) The member himself / herself is responsible for managing the password, such as changing it regularly so that no one else will know it.
(3) The manifestation of intention made to the Company using the password is regarded as the manifestation of intention of the member himself, and all payments resulting from it are the responsibility of the member.
When a member forgets his / her ID, etc. or knows that it is being used by a third party, he / she will promptly contact us.

Article 4) Change

1. The member shall promptly contact us if there is any change in the name, address, or any other matters reported to us.

2. The Company is not liable for any damages resulting from failure to register changes.
Also, please note that even if the change registration is made, transactions already processed before the change registration will be performed based on the information before the change registration.

Article 5) Withdrawal

If a member wishes to cancel the membership, the member himself / herself should complete the withdrawal procedure.
You will be withdrawn after completing the prescribed withdrawal procedures.

Article 6) Loss of membership and liability for compensation

1. When a member makes a false declaration when applying for membership, neglects to pay the payment by mail order, or for any other reason that the Company deems inappropriate as a member, the Company shall qualify for membership. It is possible to cancel.

2. When a member conducts any of the following actions, he / she will be responsible for the damage incurred by us.
(1) Illegal use of membership number and password.
(2) Interfere with our business by accessing this website and falsifying information or sending harmful computer programs to this website.
(3) Acts that infringe the intellectual property rights of the products we handle.
(4) Other acts that violate these Terms of Use.

Article 7) Handling of member information

1.In principle, the Company will not disclose member information to a third party other than the subcontractor without the prior consent of the member. However, we may disclose personal information in the following cases.
(1) To notify the court, police, other related organizations, and interested parties that you have found that you have acted in a disadvantageous manner for us or other customers.
(2) When there is an inquiry from a government agency, court, prosecutor, police, bar association, consumer center, or an authority with similar authority.
(3) In addition to (1) and (2) above, disclosure is required based on laws and regulations.

2. Regarding the member information, we will manage it in accordance with our “Handling of Personal Information”.
The Company shall be able to use the member information in the Company for the purpose of providing services to members, improving service contents, promoting use of services, and ensuring sound and smooth operation of services.

3. The Company shall be able to provide information (including advertisements) to members by e-mail newsletter and other methods.
If a member does not wish to provide information, please inform us of the method prescribed by the Company and we will stop providing information.
However, the provision of information necessary for the operation of this service cannot be suspended at the request of the member.

Article 8) Purchase of goods

1. After purchasing the product, we do not accept cancellations or changes even before the product is shipped.

2.Customers who have purchased the product for sale (resale, etc.), and who have returned or refused to receive it, may not be able to place an order.

3.We refuse refusal of receipt without reason after purchase. In addition, we may refuse your order if you refuse to receive the product after shipment or if you are absent for a long time.

4. Regarding the selling price of the product, the displayed amount at the time of purchase will be the charged amount unless there is a mistake.

5. If you purchase multiple items, all items will be shipped as soon as they are ready.

Article 9) Return and exchange of products

1. We will not accept any returns or exchanges of goods unless the goods are defective, damaged during delivery, wrong in packaging, or otherwise approved by us. In addition, we will only accept returns and exchanges approved by our company if you contact us on the "CONTACT page" within 7 days after the item arrives, and we will not be responsible for defects in other cases.
Due to the terms of use, we do not accept returns or exchanges due to customer circumstances.
Please note.
If you wish to replace it due to the above items such as initial failure, please contact us from the "CONTACT page" within 7 days after the item arrives.

・ We will not accept any exchange, cancellation, or return of products that have been used / used, or that have become dirty / scratched / damaged due to customer circumstances.

・ Please note that damage to the product package for product protection is not covered.

・ We cannot accept exchange or return of goods after 8 days from the arrival of the product.

・ When you return the product, please be sure to return the enclosed items together.

・ SNAKED LOWS will pay the return shipping fee for defective products or products that differ from your order.

・ Please contact us from the "CONTACT page" for replacement of defective products or products that are different from your order.
If you return the product without contacting us, it may take some time to respond. Thank you for your understanding.

Article 10) Prohibited matters

When using this service, it is prohibited for members to perform any of the following actions.

1. Violation of laws and regulations, this agreement, precautions for using this service, precautions for shopping with this service, and other terms and conditions.

2. Damage to the rights, interests, honors, etc. of the Company and other third parties.

3. Performing acts that may adversely affect the physical and mental health of young people or perform any other acts that violate public order and morals.

4. Performing acts that cause annoyance or discomfort to other users or other third parties.

5. Enter false information.

6. Sending or writing harmful computer programs, emails, etc.

7. Unauthorized access to our servers and other computers.

8. Lending or transferring the password to a third party, or sharing it with a third party.

9. Other things that we judge to be inappropriate.

Article 11) Suspension and suspension of services

1. In order to keep the operating condition of this service in good condition, we may suspend the provision of this service, in whole or in part, without notice, if any of the following items apply.
(1) When necessary for regular maintenance and emergency maintenance of the system.
(2) When the load is concentrated on the system.
(3) When it becomes difficult to operate the system due to fire, power outage, obstruction by a third party, etc.
(4) In addition, when we judge that it is necessary to stop the system unavoidably.

Article 12) Change / Abolition of services

We may change or abolish all or part of the service without prior notice based on that judgment.

Article 13) Disclaimer

1. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by system interruptions, delays, cancellations, loss of data, unauthorized access to data, or other damages caused by members of our services due to failures of communication lines or computers. Shall not.

2. We do not guarantee that the email contents sent from our web pages, servers, domains, etc. do not contain harmful items such as computer viruses.

3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by the member's violation of these Terms.

Article 14) Governing Law, Court of Jurisdiction

If a dispute arises with respect to these Terms, the district court having jurisdiction over the location of the head office of the Company shall be the exclusive agreement jurisdictional court of the first instance.

プライバシーポリシー / PRIVACY POLICY




























1. General rule

[[1] These Terms shall be applied to those who use the Company and the Service (hereinafter referred to as "Users").

[2] Our company can change the contents of this agreement and this service without obtaining the prior consent of the user.

2. Handling of personal information

[1] When using this service, the personal information of the user registered with us will be used for the following purposes. (1) Delivery of products required for the provision of this service, payment procedures, etc.
(2) Activities such as marketing research for new products and product renewals.
(3) Implementation of other work incidental to the above.

[2] Member information will be managed by the Company in accordance with the Company's "PRIVACY POLICY".
The Company shall be able to use the member information in the Company for the purpose of providing services to members, improving service contents, promoting use of services, and ensuring sound and smooth operation of services.

[3] In order to protect serious profits such as disclosure to contractors based on the above [2], consent of users, or provisions of laws and regulations, public life and property, etc. Unless necessary, we will not provide your personal information to a third party.

[4] We will strive to keep your personal information accurate and up to date.
In addition, in order to deal with disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of the user's own personal information within a reasonable range, a "CONTACT page" will be provided to respond to inquiries and consultations.
When we receive a request for disclosure, correction, deletion or suspension of use of personal information from ourselves, we will confirm the identity of the individual and respond within the necessary range.

[5] If part or all of the registered personal information is lost due to a disaster or system failure, we will not be responsible for the loss of information.

3. Providing information such as products

[1] Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this service, there is a possibility that it may contain misleading statements or typographical errors.
The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused thereby.

[2] If the price information is incorrect, we may not be able to accept your order even after it has been confirmed.
In that case, we will contact you with legitimate information and confirm your intention to purchase.

[3] We try to display the displayed image as faithfully as possible, but due to the settings and characteristics of the device, there may be some color differences when compared to the actual product.
The Company shall not be liable for any requests or requests from users regarding this matter.

[[4] All content (documents, images, etc.) posted on this site belongs to HERESY Co., Ltd. Therefore, all the contents posted cannot be used, reproduced, or reprinted without permission.

4. Disclaimer

[1] We do not provide any guarantee for the completeness or accuracy of this service or the information provided.

[2] The Company shall not use the Service or the information or contents contained in the Service, unless the cause is attributable to the responsibility of the Company (including business contractors). We shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages caused to.

[3] In the following cases, this service may be suspended or stopped without prior notice or consent to the user. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage to the user due to the following situations.
(1) Regular maintenance, update and emergency of the system of this service
(2) When it becomes difficult to provide this service due to force majeure such as fire, blackout, or natural disaster
(3) When it is difficult for us to continue providing this service due to other unforeseen circumstances

[4] Although we will perform encryption processing etc. for the personal information entered and transmitted by the user when using this service, strictly store and manage it, and pay sufficient attention to personal information protection We cannot guarantee that information will not be leaked, lost, or tampered with by a third party.

[5] For the damage to the user or third party caused by information leakage, loss, alteration by a third party, etc. , Take no responsibility.

[6] In this service, the personal information provided by the customer is provided with a system that allows the customer to freely change it.
However, if the personal information provided is inaccurate and the service on this site is not performed properly, the site administrator reserves the right to change or delete it.

5. Other

[1] In case of any problems that cannot be solved by this agreement regarding the use of this service, it shall be resolved through a sincere consultation between our company and the user.

[2] If there is a need for lawsuits regarding the use of this service, the Tokyo District Court will be the court of first jurisdiction with the Japanese law as the governing law.

● Inquiries about our personal information

For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact us from the "CONTACT page".

Please note that we may change or revise this policy without notice in order to change the measures related to personal information protection or to respond to changes in laws and regulations.